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This was pretty good! Loved how creepy it got with the sound effects. Made a video on it.


thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure you fall through the grates in the ground in the next update ;)


very atmospheric horror game. 


cool game

quite a fun game will be definitely playing other games from this dev

It was so eerie and the jumpscares were fantastic! Loved it c:

thanks, the head jumpscare got ya :)


Surprised at the lack of Snakes or alligators, but it was a good time.

:) thanks


Very good game

Good horror game. 


Love the art direction of this game. I am a sucker for older-style graphics.



Rus:Спасибо разработчикам что создали такую игру)Отдельно хочется отметить атмосферу игры, вам удалось передать тревогу всей ситуации.Благодаря вашему труду, я получил массу незабываемых впечатлений, которые, несомненно, останутся со мной на долгое время. 

Eng:Thanks to the developers for creating such a game)Separately, I would like to note the atmosphere of the game, you managed to convey the alarm of the whole situation.Thanks to your work, I have received a lot of unforgettable impressions that will undoubtedly stay with me for a long time.




as someone who is directionally-challenged, i felt genuine terror. this was SUCH a good atmosphere, i'd love to see a longer game. the ending kinda killed it, though, i'm sorry to say. otherwise great!

thanks for honest feedback, always a little tricky coming up with an ending, felt like a jumpscare was the way but could have executed it better and made things longer :)


Very good horror game ! Extremely tense all the way through, you never knew what could pop out at any second. Ending really catches you off guard too.

Very well done ! 

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)

thanks for the feedback :) glad you enjoyed it


A fun little sewer maintenance game that has solid atmosphere and some great scares in it for how short it is!

thanks :)


I have to say, i love these simple atmospheric horror walking sim games... great job! The end jumpscare was a tad bit unsatisfying but that is okay!

4/5 stars!


Thanks for the feedback :) I tried some other variations of the jump scare but could have worked on it more, even making things a little longer. The next game will be more satisfying I promise!


I like the atmosphere a lot. The tight, cramped corners really do a lot to instill a sense of fear as you round each one. The radio sequences are super fun, and honestly I would not mind if the game were longer, with more of them fading in and out as you try desperately to fix what you need to and get out - but this game does a lovely job of satisfying that want even as a short experience. I liked it a lot!


thanks for the feedback, agree it could be longer. Glad you enjoyed it!


Really interesting and really creepy! I was anxious the whole time and kept thinking something was gonna come from behind or chase me! Really enjoyed it and would love to know the story behind the other person/ghost! Great job!

thanks :) Yeah I did have more details for the story that were told over the radio but due to the short length of gameplay, the constant radio chatter kinda killed the atmosphere and suspense. Probably should of just made the game much longer :P


Thank you! You could always make it longer later if you really wanted to! I think we'd all be thrilled to play more, or even a prequel or sequel!


wish it was longer but for sure had me on my toes!


thanks :) Might have to make a much longer version with more scares, story depth and things to do!

looking forward to it


This was a fun little game! Good graphics and atmosphere and sounds too! Here is my gameplay video!


Fun little game!  Love the style, no real bugs that I found, legit creepy in a couple spots, relies on standard scares but executes them in a way that isn't obnoxious.  Would love to see you explore building atmosphere and incorporating more environmental suspense-building.  Anyway, thanks for the experience!


thanks :) Building suspense with unexpected scares was the goal, relying on the creepy atmosphere to, hopefully, make the player never know when the next scare was coming. Agree it needs a bit more here and there for suspense.


So the game was good could of used more scares, yea the creepy guy at the end scared me

thanks for the feedback, I agree it could do with some more scares, just hard to gauge pacing as I didn't want too many scares, was aiming to build suspense for the unexpected :)


FIRST stream of 2024 I will be playing this live 1/2 around 630-7 PM EST =D


I can't believe that ugly dude really scared me lol good game


Suasananya ngeri juga dalam got, mana sinyalnya jelek lagi kan jadinya makin seram. Apalah nasib mc nya apakah dia jadi potongan juga..


Fun Time


Very creepy, it kept me on edge, I would love to see more! 


Very scary really enjoyed the suspense of everything. very fun game! :)))) 

thanks :D


This was a really good game. I always waiting for something and i love it! Can't wait for your next game!

I did a video on my channel (Spanish). Hope you like it!


I really liked this one. Kept me entertained. Looking forward to the next.

thanks, glad it was entertaining :)

Cool, whats next? Let me know. Have a safe 24

most likely going to be making a much longer & much more detailed horror game. I'm still trying to improve my game design as I'm terrible at it. But I think it is either going to be a horror game where an enemy chases you or a narrative-driven horror game with plenty of interactions & atmosphere :) and have a good new year yourself!

Hey, keep me posted. I'll check back often.

The suspense was a lil dry and the gameplay was a bit empty, the idea with the radio was really cool and it would've helped if there was more use of it before it got cut off, the jump scare at the end was a lil underbaked and didn't feel earned or scary.

4/5, it's not that scary but the style and radio concept carries it.


thanks for the feedback. I was trying to make a game where the atmosphere and style is the 'horror' aspect. I did have more planned for the radio but I felt like it took you out of the suspense-full atmosphere.

Perhaps more sound effects, like running behind you, would add to the horror aspect.


Hello, I played this game and I enjoyed it! Good work :)


thanks :)


Interesting game for sure. It would have been interesting if we saw an earlier version of ourselves walking in the same area. Nice game though.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

thanks, not too sure what you mean by seeing an earlier version of ourselves though?

So let's say the player goes to 2A and that loops to 2b, when we come out from 2B to go to another area, the player could see themselves going into 2A from earlier.


I wanted to turn on that box, but of course that couldn't happen haha. Neat little game!

hah thanks, that last box opens the exit door... what a shame you didn't make it!!

D: Wait really! I thought you were suppose to die cuz the timing of him getting me was crazy


hah, yea was joking. That is the end of the game :P


This was nice & short! Took me a while at the end to navigate through the sewers, other than that I liked this! Keep up the good work. Gave me Cageface 2 vibes.
Here is my playthrough, with my feedback at the end! 

Thanks :) glad you enjoyed it, I tried to make the map 'lost' proof, so I guess you made it in the end!

hahah! eventually yes! once i found the way, I was alright :)


This game was fun I enjoyed it!

thanks, watching you get creeped out by the footsteps near the end made me chuckle!

'Enter' and 'Exit' buttons doesn't seem to work on lower resolutions, but they are visible.

thanks for letting me know, will fix :)


fixed :) also added key-bind options to load/quit just incase.


nice game

thank you :)


Not bad!

thanks, that ladder near the end needs removing :D I think everyone I've watched has tried climbing it.



thanks :)

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